Exhibition of gambling services and products UGW 2020, two conferences about workplace wellness, and the sixth festival of geek and gaming culture WEGAME. What are some other events by Smile-Expo that you cannot miss this spring?
Minsk iGaming Affiliate Conference
On March 5, Belarus will see Minsk iGaming Affiliate Conference, which will serve as a platform for business communication between representatives of CPA networks, affiliate programs, and affiliates. The conference will offer presentations of experts in the gambling niche from the CIS and Europe, including representatives of such companies as Legalbet, SupportLAB, Gambling.pro, and many others.
Speed dating will be a standalone networking opportunity with arbitrage specialists, affiliates, and advertisers being able to exchange contacts without extra officiality. Besides, guests can expect other formats of business communication: meeting cards and networking in the VIP zone.
W2 conference Kyiv
On March 17, the capital of Ukraine will see w2 conference Kyiv 2020, dedicated to workplace health maintenance and improvement. Speakers of the workplace wellness conference will discuss how to boost employee welfare and overall staff performance. Furthermore, experts will share practical examples of how to develop the creative potential of employees, incentivize them, and grow their engagement.
The program will involve interactive lectures and practicums. The conference will consist of three blocks dedicated to the financial, psychological, and physical wellbeing of personnel. Speakers will cover the issues of workplace burnout prevention, health care and motivation of team members. Specialists from Ernst & Young, Genesis, Kernel, psychotherapists, and HR managers will share the experience.
Biohacking Conference Kyiv
Speakers of Biohacking Conference Kyiv, which will take place on March 26, will discuss ways to prolong life and improve health. The conference will feature well-known biohackers, researchers, and physicians, for example, doctor of circadian biology Greg Potter, geneticist Oleksandr Kolyada, dietarian, and immunologist Lyudmyla Goncharova, mindfulness programs trainer Hlib Khodorovskyi, and others.
Experts will share information about correct diagnostics and health improvement techniques. Guests will find out how to unlock biological potential and prolong life via scientifically-based ways. Participants of the conference will also display functional biohacking tools, rehabilitation tools, programs intended to improve wellbeing and retain juvenescence.
On April 11-12, the Kyiv-based International Exhibition Centre will house the festival for geeks and gamers WEGAME 6.0. Guests can expect traditional esports tournaments, an engaging offline quest, board games, and WEGAME Awards. Moreover, the event will include a spectacular cosplay show, where participants will compete for the title of the best in five categories.
The event will offer several themed locations with game tournaments, contests, and game presentations: AWARDS ZONE, COSPLAY ZONE, MOBILE ZONE, CONSOLE ZONE, and BOARD ZONE. Before the festival starts, everyone who has bought the tickets to WEGAME 6.0 will take part in the Gift Marathon, which will consist of six stages and one big draw. Winners will receive cool prizes.
UGW 2020
On April 15-16, the exhibition of gambling products and solutions Ukrainian Gaming Week 2020 will take place in Kyiv. The two-day conference will feature representatives of the Ukrainian authorities and international experts. They will discuss the development and opportunities of the gambling business in Ukraine and all over the world. Reports will touch upon such keynote issues as the law on the legalization and experience of other countries in this field.
The exhibition is designed for 100 exhibitors, representatives of the Ukrainian and foreign companies such as Slotegrator, LPB Bank, MelBet Affiliates, Alpha Affiliates, and many others. The number of expected guests is 2,000. Besides, the event will involve UGW Awards intended to reward the most successful companies according to UGW.
W2 conference Moscow
The second event of the workplace wellness series by Smile-Expo will take place in Russia on April 28. Speakers of w2 conference Moscow will discuss the subtleties and benefits of workplace wellness programs. The information will be interesting to business executives, as well as personnel management specialists.
Presentations will primarily focus on the organization of a healthy workplace environment, ways to increase stress resistance of employees, care of their mental and physical health, examples of the effects that workplace wellness programs have on ROI and VOI. Guests will find out about the main trends of the direction, learn case studies of national and global practices of wellness program implementation.
Greece iGaming Affiliate Conference
On April 29, Athens will see Greece iGaming Affiliate Conference, the event about subtleties of work with affiliate programs in the gambling niche. The conference will become a part of the events series about affiliate marketing and the first themed event in Greece. Experts will share real case studies and efficient customer acquisition tools for online and land-based casinos.
Guests will listen to reports dedicated to issues important for every industry player, many of which have never been discussed at other events. The conference will become a platform for networking and building new business contacts, as well as unite leading gambling industry experts from different countries. Speakers will pay much attention to the Greek market and its prospects.
Keep up with the events – follow the updates in the news section of our website and on the official pages of events!